Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Split Data into Multiple Workbook
Many times we need to make category wise separate files from data on a worksheet, here is code that will do it for you.
Here i have a scenario ,Suppose we have some data in a Range and 2nd Column of Range have some Categories , we want to bifurcate all Record of all Categories in different Excel Files.
Follow the some simple Steps To Bifurcate the data with in multiple workbook, Original data will remain same.
1) Create a Name of First Cell of Data Range as "rngStart"
2) Create a Name range of First cell on another blank worksheets as "rngRemoveDuplicate"
3) Copy Paste this Code in VBA Module
4) Run the Macro
Note : This will save all bifurcated data file at same location where the MainData File is saved. So you can make a separate folder and can save Main Data file in that folder.
Sub SplitAllbyCode()
Dim rngRange As Range
Dim wksSheet As Worksheet
Dim ArrUniqe
Dim lngUniqeCount As Long
wbkNew As Workbook
Set wksSheet =
With wksSheet
Set rngRange =
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
rngRange.Columns(4).Copy Range("rngRemoveDuplicate")
Range("rngRemoveDuplicate").CurrentRegion.RemoveDuplicates 1
ArrUniqe =
For lngUniqeCount =
LBound(ArrUniqe) To UBound(ArrUniqe)
Range("rngStart").CurrentRegion.Rows(2).AutoFilter 4,
ArrUniqe(lngUniqeCount, 1)
Set wbkNew = Workbooks.Add
wbkNew.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" &
ArrUniqe(lngUniqeCount, 1)
wbkNew.Close 1
Next lngUniqeCount
End With
wksSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
= True
MsgBox lngUniqeCount &
" Files has been splited, Plase find your files at " &
vbCrLf & ThisWorkbook.Path
'Free Memory
Set rngRange = Nothing
Set wksSheet = Nothing
Erase ArrUniqe
Set wbkNew = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks for Reading
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