Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hope you will post an excellent solution here

welcome  my followers to this quiz , you need to write a function to get the file extension through either a VBA function or inbuilt excel function

FIleName .

Hope you will post a excellent function :)


Gadi Bizinyan said...

If the file names are listed in cell A1 and downwards, you can write this fill down this formula:


This VBA function would the same thing:

Function FileExtension(MyFileName As String)

Dim DotLocation As Integer

DotLocation = InStrRev(MyFileName, ".", -1, vbTextCompare)
FileExtension = Right(MyFileName, Len(MyFileName) - DotLocation)

End Function

Anonymous said...

Public Function getextension(filename As String) As String

For i = Len(filename) To 2 Step -1
c = Mid(filename, i, 1)
If c = "." Then
pos = i + 1
End If

getextension = Mid(filename, pos, (Len(filename) + 1 - pos))
End Function

'Function to get filetitle from full path

Public Function getfiletitle(filename As String) As String

For i = Len(filename) To 2 Step -1
c = Mid(filename, i, 1)
If c = "\" Then
pos = i + 1
End If

getfiletitle = Mid(filename, pos, (Len(filename) + 1 - pos))
End Function

Rajan said...

This is My Function get the same..

Prakash Singh Gusain said...


is my solution.

Rajan said...

Hi Prakash,
your formula will return an error if "A1" does not contain any value.

well nice solution